Sekilas Info : CNBLUE
Heyhooo, dua bulan ini CNBLUE vakum. Dan sempet ada stage perpisahan di stasiun2 tv, ada juga BOICE day, semacem fan meeting gitu yang sengaja diadain sebelum mereka lenyap sementara. Ngapain sih ? Ternyata masing2 mereka punya agenda sendiri2.
CNBLUE goodbye stage, menang MnetCountdown! di stage terakhir sebelum pada sibuk masing2 |
Minhyuk taking a role at "My Husband Got A Family"
Uri Minhyuk~ie berperan sebagai Cha Se Kwang di sini. Bukan peran utama sih kayaknya. Tapi pas nonton part2nya dia di beberapa episode cukup "penting" juga, soalnya ada adegan dia bareng pemeran utama cewek yang lumayan "penting". Apa itu ? Yaaah, pokoknya one of the important part di k-drama :P
Minhyuk udah pernah main layar lebar bareng si gitaris Jonghyun di film High Fly. Di film itu dia jadi tipe2 drummer imut yg gampang dibutakan oleh makanan, hahah. Selain itu main juga di Heartstrings bareng si vokalis Yonghwa, nggak jauh beda, perannya di sini juga nggak lepas dari makanan. Bedanya, di Heartstrings ada bagian dia fallin in love sama peran antagonis. Gayanya yang lucu, acak-acakan tapi imuuut biyangeeets. Apalagi pas ngomong "eonnie!" ih pengen bungkus bawa pulang :P
Back to Cha Se Kwang, ada sebuah adegan di mana dia pose melambaikan tangan tapi cuma 3 jari yang keliatan, lainnya kelipet. Dan ini berimbas pada saat BOICE day, semua member CNBLUE bahkan penonton, niruin pose tangan Cha Se Kwang ini, muahahah!
Dan ternyata respon netizen ke drama ini lumayan tinggi, tinggi banget malah. Idealnya, k-drama dibilang ngehits itu kalo rating nyampe 20%. Itu udah bagus lhoh. Nah My Husband Got A Family ini nyampe 33,...%
Jungshin chingu being a model
Tau lah, dari keempat member. Siapa yang paling cantik ? Siapa yang kakinya paling panjang ? Siapa yang rambutnya melambai2 kalo kena angin ? Siapa yang ngalahin cewek2 BOICE, sampe mereka iri. Ya uri Jungshin~ie !!
Nggak heran deh kalo dia dilirik brand2 tertentu disuruh lenggak lenggok di catwalk dan pemotretan majalah sana sini.
Jonghyun start his tv drama debut in "A Gentleman's Dignity"
Berperan sebagai Colin. Sumpah, dibanding waktu awal debut, bedaaaaa banget. He's grown well :'). Malah nyaingin Lee Minho sekarang, hahah! Sebelumnya Jonghyun main bareng Minhyuk di layar lebar. Pernah deh di sebuah talkshow gitu Jonghyun oppa ditanya "Jungshin modeling, Yong & Minhyuk main drama, terus kamu ngapain dong ?" Saat itu dia cuma bilang "di CNBLUE kami masih banyak kekurangan di sana-sini, jadi saya butuh waktu lebih untuk latihan, nggak punya waktu untuk kerja yang lain2". And, NOW he's proving that the burning guitarfreak also has an activity outside CNBLUE. Success lah oppa yang super jeniuuuuus :D
Yong~ is working hard for CNBLUE's material
Daaaan, uri leader oppa, Yonghwa, lagi berjuang banget nyiapin materi yang bagus dan sesuai style CNBLUE. Istilahnya liburan, tapi dituntut menghasilkan sesuatu juga. Tapi selain berjuang buat CNBLUE, dia juga ngangkat si penyanyi solo "Juniel". Dibikinin lagu, ditemenin nyanyi, daaaaan ditampilin biceps nya Yong di MVnya, hoho.
Juniel ft Yonghwa - Fool (MV)
Begitu nonton ini MV, kaget. Yong bener2 mature banget. Gaya rambut yang bikin tulang rahangnya semakin keliatan, kulitnya yang tiba2 jadi "tan" gitu, ditambah biceps nya yang entah muncul sejak kapan.
Lagunya asik sih, lumayan, recommended lah :)
Terakhir saya baca postingan tetangganya Yong di Busan, kampung halamannnya. Konon dia lagi di rumah orang tuanya nih.
Yonghwa is still in Busan. Today(May.26) he was spotted in an open car on the street without sunglasses, also at Doosil swimming pool.
"Today(May.26) I saw Yonghwa!!" (from DC JYH gall)
I live in Busan, same apartment with Yonghwa's parents.
It seemed he got his vacation from his company and came to Busan.
I was waiting for elevator, a tall and good looking guy told me 'Annyeong".
So I saw him, and he was Jung Yonghwa...
It was 4:35pm this afternoon. His parents were taking package delivery at the lobby.
Yonghwa was standing by himself doing nothing, and said to me hi.
I wanted to take photo, but I couldn't. The elevator came, so I took the elevator.
He didn't take the same elevator with me.
Jung Yonghwa is absolutely handsome. But he is too thin, and he is very tall.
Yonghwa was with his parents at the lobby of ground floor. He was wearing a walker? shoes with a little bit of heel.
He was tramping around. I saw his face when he said hi to me. He was much slimmer and much taller than photos.
He said 'Annyeong' to me first, I was surprised and said 'Annyeonghaseyo' to him.
He was wearing blue jean shirt and wide half lengh pants.
It wasn't basketball pants, just ordinary pants which men wear.
He wasn't wearing sunglasses or cap.
His hair seemed to be dyed, brown color, and skin color was just normal. (fans asked how his tanned skin was)
He was much different from on TV, he looked taller, 180cm seemed correct. His face looked slim and definitely he has big eyes.
I hope his company feed him better...
Credit to the owner.
"Today(May.26) I saw Yonghwa!!" (from DC JYH gall)
I live in Busan, same apartment with Yonghwa's parents.
It seemed he got his vacation from his company and came to Busan.
I was waiting for elevator, a tall and good looking guy told me 'Annyeong".
So I saw him, and he was Jung Yonghwa...
It was 4:35pm this afternoon. His parents were taking package delivery at the lobby.
Yonghwa was standing by himself doing nothing, and said to me hi.
I wanted to take photo, but I couldn't. The elevator came, so I took the elevator.
He didn't take the same elevator with me.
Jung Yonghwa is absolutely handsome. But he is too thin, and he is very tall.
Yonghwa was with his parents at the lobby of ground floor. He was wearing a walker? shoes with a little bit of heel.
He was tramping around. I saw his face when he said hi to me. He was much slimmer and much taller than photos.
He said 'Annyeong' to me first, I was surprised and said 'Annyeonghaseyo' to him.
He was wearing blue jean shirt and wide half lengh pants.
It wasn't basketball pants, just ordinary pants which men wear.
He wasn't wearing sunglasses or cap.
His hair seemed to be dyed, brown color, and skin color was just normal. (fans asked how his tanned skin was)
He was much different from on TV, he looked taller, 180cm seemed correct. His face looked slim and definitely he has big eyes.
I hope his company feed him better...
Credit to the owner.
p/s: still no news dear.i know most of us miss yonghwa, jonghyun, minhyuk n jungshin so much. so, let's stick together boice. Yonghwa, eat a lot please~
Beberapa waktu terakhir, A Gentleman's Dignity tayang di tv barengan sama My Husband Got A Family. Anak-anak aktif ngetwit dari akun @CNBLUE_4.
foto ini tuh kayaknya diambil dari rumah Yonghwa, soalnya dormnya CNBLUE nggak sebagus ini. Mungkin Yong emg basicnya udah kaya, dari kalangan berada :P
Yaaaak, sekian caw!
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